Austroboletus niveusSynonymsPorphyrellus niveus Fistulinella nivea Tylopilus niveus
BiostatusPresent in region - Indigenous. Endemic
Images (click to enlarge) Caption: water colour Owner: G.M. Taylor | Caption: FUNNZ: 2006/0415, See public note for more information Owner: FUNNZ | Caption: ZT68-429 Owner: E. Horak: © Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand | Caption: Fig. 1. a, Tylopilus niveus, nat. size; b, spores, X 2000 | |
Article: Stevenson, G. (1962) [1961]. The Agaricales of New Zealand: I. Kew Bulletin 15(3): 381–385. Description: Pileus 3 cm. diam., snow-white, exceedingly mucilaginous, pellicle of Loosely woven hyphae covered by large drops of mucilage containing a mass of small oil drops, fragments of a veil hanging on margin; flesh white, soft. Pores up to 1.5 mm. diam., dissepiments with woolly appearance under lens, Surface white at first, finally becoming pale pinkish fawn, depressed round stipe, hymenophoral trama mixed. Stipe 7 X 1-1.5 cm. tapering upwards, white, mucilaginous, covered by a network of ridges. Spores 17-18 X 6-7um, hyaline, ellipsoid, print almost colourless but with a pink tinge. Cystidia not seen Habitat: under Nothofagus at Totaranui, Nelson
Article: McNabb, R.F.R. (1968). The Boletaceae of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 6(2): 137-176 ( Notes: 1. Tylopilus niveus G. Stevens., Kew Bull. 15:
381. 1961. This species is a member of the Strobilomycetaceae and was transferred
to Porphyrellus by McNabb (1967).