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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Laccaria masoniae var. masoniae. Laccaria masoniae var. masoniae


Present in region - Indigenous. Endemic

Images (click to enlarge)


Caption: Laccaria masonii
Owner: Kaimai Bush

Caption: Laccaria masonii var. masonii: 7501: see photo, much larger than typical
Owner: Greg Mueller

Caption: Laccaria masonii var. masonii: 7502: see photo, typical tall, gracil, some violaceous
Owner: Greg Mueller

Caption: Laccaria masonii var. masonii: 7510: see photo, very large echinulae on spores
Owner: Greg Mueller

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Caption: scale = 10um
Owner: J.A. Cooper

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Caption: scale = 10um. Spores.
Owner: J.A. Cooper