Lanzia sp. "big red"BiostatusPresent in region - Indigenous. Endemic Description: Paraphyses dimorphic: 1) narrow cylindric, 1.5-2 µm diam., about same length as asci. 2)
broad cylindric, 4.5-5.5 µm diam., extend 10-20 µm beyond asci, packed with yellow-brown
Asci cylindric, short basal stalk, rounded, thickened, J+ apex, about 75-90 x 7.5-9 µm.
Ascospores oblong, ends broadly rounded, slightly curved in side view, about 10-11.5 x 3-4 (-5) µm. Notes:
Lanzia sp. on M. excelsa.
Associated with extensive blackening of leaf, but no zone lines.
This species can be distinguished from the macroscopically similar Moellerodiscus
coprosmae and M. griseliniae by excipular anatomy (ectal excipulum comprising cylindric
cells arranged at a low angle to the surface of the receptacle), and by the dark yellow-brown
pigment diffusing into KOH rather than the reddish pigments of the other two species.
Isolations from blister-like symptoms on living leaves of pohutukawa produce cultures which
look the same as those derived from ascospores of this species.