Cortinarius anisodorus
SynonymsThaxterogaster anisodorus
BiostatusPresent in region - Indigenous. Endemic
Images (click to enlarge) Caption: Thaxterogaster anisodorum Hk. sp.n. (type): a. fruitingbodies.
b. spores. c. basidia. d. cuticle. |  Caption: ZT68-343 , Holotype Owner: E. Horak: © Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand |  Caption: Dried type specimen Owner: Herb PDD |
Article: Horak, E. (1973). Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae I-V. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 43: 200 p. Description: Gastrocarp
20-35 x 15-20 mm, initially globose becoming subglobose, finally irregularly
tuberiform, peridium 1-2 mm diam., ochraceous or pallid brownish with reddish
tints, radially fibrillose or tomentose, dry, margin of peridium attached to
the stipe and covered with ochraceous remnants of the veil. Gleba loculate,
cells irregularly arranged, 1-2 mm diam., rust brown, penetrated by whitish
or brownish tramal plates, never exposed. Stipe 10-20 x 1-3[(-15) at the base)]
mm, turbinate or marginate, margin of base attached to the margin of peridium
and connected (in young carpophores) with the hyphae of the veil at least, the
button-like lower parts of the stipe extending as a rudimentary columella or
few branches of the tramal plates into the gleba, concolorous with peridium,
dry. Context whitish turning brownish. Odor intensely like anis-seed. Taste
not distinctive. Chemical reactions on peridium: KOH - brown; HCl or NH3
- negative.
11-13 x 6.5-7.5 µm, elliptic, minutely verrucose, warts coarser towards the
apex, perisporium absent, ferruginous. Basidia 35-45 x 8 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia
absent. Epicutis consisting of cylindric, thin-walled, not gelatinised hyphae
forming a cutis, encrusted with yellow-brown pigment, clamp connections present. Habitat: On
ground amongst litter of Nothofagus cliffortioides, N. menziesii and
N. fusca. New Zealand. Notes: The
characters of this species are the strong anis-seed like odor, the rudimentary
or absent columella and the elliptic spores with coarser warts in the apical