Hyaloscypha zalewskiiSynonymsClathrosphaerina zalewskii
BiostatusPresent in region - Indigenous. Non endemic
Images (click to enlarge) Caption: scale bar = 50um Owner: J.A. Cooper | Owner: J.A. Cooper | Caption: Fig. 15 Clathrosphaerina zalewskii (PDD 79903). Conidium. Scale bar = 50 μm. Owner: J.A. Cooper |
Article: Cooper, J.A. (2005). New Zealand hyphomycete fungi: additional records, new species, and notes on interesting collections. New Zealand Journal of Botany 43(1): 323-349 (http://www.rsnz.org/publish/abstracts.php). Description: This description applies to the anamorphic Clathrosphaerina state. Conidia to 40 µm diam., hyaline, hollow clathrate structure formed from anastomosing hyphae, 3–5 µm diam Notes: New record from New Zealand. Similarly to Candelabrum spinulosum, this aero-aquatic fungus is very common but inconspicuous.