Tricholoma cartilagineumSynonymsAgaricus cartilagineus
BiostatusPresent in region - Origin uncertain
Article: Massee, G.E. (1899) [1898]. The fungus flora of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 31: 282–349 Wellington:. Description: Pileus convex when young, obtuse, margin incurved and downy, then expanded and usually
wavy, arched or bent down near the margin, which is persistently incurved ; always very dry;
flesh rather thick, rigid, white, 5-9 cm. across, densely covered with minute black granules on
a white ground; gills emarginate and sinuate, crowded, thin, about 4 mm. broad, white, then
grey, but not dingy; stem 2.5-5 cm. long, firm but fragile, stout, up to 2.5 cm. thick, pure
white, surface even, glabrous, polished; spores globose, 7-8 µ, diameter. Habitat: On the ground, in beech forests, amongst moss. Distribution: Middle Island, New Zealand. Europe. Notes: Readily distinguished by the character of the pileus, pure-white stem, and grey gills.