Collybia lacerataSynonymsAgaricus laceratus
BiostatusPresent in region - Origin uncertain
Article: Massee, G.E. (1899) [1898]. The fungus flora of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 31: 282–349 Wellington:. Description: Pileus campanulate, rather obtuse, moist, sooty-brown, at length pale, or streaked with dark-brown on a pale ground, disc
darker, about 3 cm. across; gills adnexed, distant, broad,
thick, greyish-white; stem 5-10 cm. long, 4-5 mm. thick, equal, firm, twisted, fibrillosely
striate, apex floccosely pruinose, at length compressed, stuffed, then hollow. Habitat: On the ground, near trunks, in pine woods, &c. Distribution: New Zealand. Victoria, Europe.