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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Bolbitius sp. 1. Bolbitius sp. 1


Present in region - Indigenous

Article: Watling, R.; Taylor, G.M. (1987). Observations on the Bolbitiaceae: 27. Preliminary account of the Bolbitiaceae of New Zealand. Bibliotheca Mycologica 117: 61 p. + 17 pl.
Description: Pileus conical becoming convex, umbonate-expanded or plane, yellow (egg-yolk colour), wrinkled when young, conspicuously striate-sulcate splitting at margin, fragile, membranaceous. Stipe cylindrical concolorous with pileus or yellowish, dry, whitish pruinose at apex, hollow, fragile. Gills free (to adnexed), ventricose, intermixed with lamellules, yellowish then turning rust, with even, whitish or concolorous edge. Taste and Smell none. Basidiospores 10-12.5 x 6-7.5 µm, elliptic-ovoid, slightly flattened in side-view, red-brown in alkali solutions, thick-walled, germ-pore central. Basidia 4-spored, hyaline, clavate, pedicellate 25-28 x 9-11 µm, (including sterigmata <3 µm long). Cheilocystidia numerous, polymorphic varying from vesiculose (25-30 µm broad) to utriform (12-15 µm broad), to clavate or catenulate 30-50 µm long; pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a hymeniderm of spheropedunculate cells 40-50 µm broad. Stipitipellis of cylindric hyphae supporting clusters of vesiculose hyaline caulocystidia intermixed with chains of cells similar to gill-edge, 16-20 x 35-65 µm.
Notes: Material collected by Horak (ZT 69/109) from Tophouse Saddle, Nelson may represent a new taxon within the B. vitellinus group or an extreme form.
The persistently yellow stipe is significant, and microscopically this collection can be characterised by the innumerable, inflated vesiculose hyaline cheilocystidia and polymorphic frequently septate caulocystidia. B. vitellinus generally has a cream straw or yellowish buff stipe; B. variecolor Atk. has a deeper yellow stipe and the pileus is olivaceous.