Collybia cockayneiSynonymsMarasmius cockaynei Collybiopsis cockaynei
BiostatusPresent in region - Indigenous. Endemic
Images (click to enlarge) Caption: fruitbody Owner: J.A. Cooper | Caption: caulocystidia Owner: J.A. Cooper | Owner: J.A. Cooper | Caption: scale = 20um. Caulocystidia. Inset cuticle hyphae. Owner: J.A. Cooper | Caption: Top: spores and cheilocystidia. Lower: caulocystidia Owner: J.A. Cooper | Owner: J.A. Cooper | Caption: scale = 20um. Spores and cheilocystidia Owner: J.A. Cooper | Owner: P. Leonard | Caption: 60-Collybiopsis cockaynei. a, spores. b, basidia. c, caulocystidia., d,
cuticle. | |
Article: Stevenson, G. (1964). The Agaricales of New Zealand: V. Kew Bulletin 19(1): 1-59. Description: Pileus 0.5-2 cm diam., hygrophanous, testaceous becoming pinkish fawn with testaceous blotches, plano-convex to plane, thin, dry, velvety. Gills adnexed, moderately distant, pinkish fawn. Stipe 2-5 cm x 1-2 mm, dark testaceous above, base covered with pinkish fawn mycelium, hollow, tough. Spores 7-9 x 3-3.5 µm, non-amyloid, thin-walled. Hymenophoral trama weakly pseudo-amyloid; hyphae 5 µm diam. with clamp connections. Cuticle of moderately loosely woven hyphae 5 µm diam., with clamp connections, with hymenial-like surface. Habitat: Attached to fallen twigs, Dun Mt., Nelson 25.4.1959, Stevenson, & groups attached to Leptospermum litter, Otari Gardens, 7.6.1958, Stevenson (type). Notes: The Otari Gardens were established by Cockayne.
Article: Horak, E. (1971). A contribution towards the revision of the Agaricales (Fungi) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 403-462 ( Description: Marasmius cockaynei Stevenson (29 4) Fig. 4 = Collybiopsis cockaynei
(Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: M. cockaynei Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 39,
All microsopical characters clearly indicate that this fungus belongs to
Collybiopsis. Cuticle of pileus consists of diverticulate cells, with clamp
connections. The spores are elliptical or sligthly comma-like, hyaline, neither
amyloid nor dextrinoid, smooth, 7.5-10 X 3-3.5 µ. Diverticulate cheilo- and
caulocystidia present.