Agaricus campigenusBiostatusPresent in region - Indigenous
Article: Massee, G.E. (1899) [1898]. The fungus flora of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 31: 282–349 Wellington:. Description: Pileus campanulate, rather fleshy, very obtuse, silky, with a few scattered scales, assuming a
reddish hue when dry, about 2.5 cm. high; gills rather narrow, narrowed behind, adnexed or
slightly adnate ; spores pale red-brown, obliquely obovate; stem 4 cm. high, about 4 mm.
thick, incrassated at the base, slightly furfuraceous, with a broadish ring near the top. Habitat: On the ground, among grass. Distribution: New Zealand. Notes: This has much the habit of a Lepiota, but the gills are adnexed and the spores pale but
decidedly coloured (Berk.).
The type specimens are destroyed by insects, hence nothing can be added to the above
information. If the gills are adnexed the plant cannot belong to Agaricus (the old Psalliota).