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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Xerocomus griseoolivaceus. Xerocomus griseoolivaceus


Present in region - Indigenous. Endemic

Images (click to enlarge)


Caption: Fig. 8 - c, Xerocomus griseo-olivaceous (x1)

Caption: Fig. 2 - c, d, X. griseo-olivaceus: c, spores; d, cystidia.

Article: McNabb, R.F.R. (1968). The Boletaceae of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 6(2): 137-176 (http://www.rsnz.org/publish/abstracts.php).
Description: PILEUS: plano-convex to applanate, 3.5-6.5 cm diam., dry, tomentose to subvelutinate, greyish fawn to greyish with olivaceous tints; cuticle a trichodermium, composed of erect, branched, septate hyphae 5-10 µm. diam., terminal cells rounded or bluntly acuminate, often with brownish contents; margin entire. HYMENOPHORE: tubes to 4 mm long, adnate or slightly excavated around apex of stipe, deep golden yellow to orange yellow at maturity; pores concolorous with tubes or discoloured reddish brown in places, angular, 0.5-0.75 mm diam., occasionally radially elongated near apex of stipe. STIPE: 3-5 cm long, more or less equal, 0.8-1 cm diam., solid, fibrous, dry, subglabrous to finely granular or furfuraceous by aggregation of caulocystidia, occasionally finely and obscurely fibrillose. Sordid white to greyish white, often with brownish stains; flesh sordid white; annulus absent. SPORES: spore print olive brown (Isabella Color); spores pallid melleous, elliptic-subfusiform, 8.4-10.4-(11) x 3.9-4.5 µm., smooth. HYMENIUM: basidia hyaline, clavate, 25-33.5 X 7-9-8 µm, 4-spored; cystidia sparse, scattered, hyaline, thin-walled, ventricose-rostrate, 42-60 x 8-11.5 µm. HYMENOPHORAL TRAMA: bilateral, of the Phylloporus subtype; clamp connections absent. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: sordid white, unchanging on exposure to air. TASTE AND SMELL: not distinctive. CHEMICAL REACTIONS: KOH and NH4OH on pileus and context of pileus—no definite reaction.