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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Trichoglossum hirsutum. Trichoglossum hirsutum


Geoglossum hirsutum var. leotioides
Trichoglossum hirsutum var. leotioides


Present in region - Indigenous. Non endemic

Images (click to enlarge)


Owner: Herb. PDD

Article: Cooke, M.C. (1879). New Zealand fungi. Grevillea 8(46): 54-68.
Notes: The clubs collapse and overhang the stem, as in Leotia, but the fruit does not differ sufficiently to warrant its separation as a distinct species.

Article: Dennis, R.W.G. (1961). Some inoperculate Discomycetes from New Zealand. Kew Bulletin 15(2): 293-320.
Notes: Massee gave a full description of this capitate form in the publication cited [Annals of Botany 11: 244, 1897]. The New Zealand material of T. hirsutum cited by Berkeley in 'Flora Novae Zelandiae' is not at Kew.