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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Calycella crocina. Calycella crocina


Helotium crocinum

Images (click to enlarge)


Caption: FIG. 27 Asci of New Zealand species of Calycella x 660. A. C. brevispora. B. C. citrina, C. C. crocina, D. C. discidens.

Caption: Discs (dry)
Owner: P.R. Johnston

Caption: Discs (dry)
Owner: P.R. Johnston

Caption: receptacle in vertical section
Owner: P.R. Johnston

Caption: receptacle in vertical section
Owner: P.R. Johnston

Caption: ascospores in lactic acid
Owner: P.R. Johnston

Article: Dennis, R.W.G. (1961). Some inoperculate Discomycetes from New Zealand. Kew Bulletin 15(2): 293-320.
Description: Spores 13-19 x 3.5-4 ยต, nonseptate, asci up to 165 x 99, I-.
Notes: In Kew Bull. 9: 319 (1954) I treated this as a synonym of C. citrina (Fr.) Regél. but examination of the abundant New Zealand material leads me to Quard it as separable by its more elongated nonseptate ascospores. It differs from Helotium conscriptum (Karst.) Karst. in its sessile apothecia as well as in its calycelloid excipulum.