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'Mushrooms', as defined here, are a phylogenetically diverse group all sharing the feature of having spores formed on gills on the underside of a fleshy fruiting body.

Ecologically they are diverse, but most play important roles in nutrient capture and nutrient flow within ecosystems. Some form mycorrhizas with vascular plants, other are saprobes, helping to break down complex molecules into forms more readily available as nutrient to other organisms. A few are pathogens.

All mushrooms

There are a series of 'mushroom' groups. Most genera belong in more than one of these groups. For example there is a "Mushrooms with Brown Spores" Group which also belongs in the "Mushrooms on Wood" Group.

Click on a link below to bring up the Genus belonging to that mushroom group.

White spores

Brown spores

Pink spores

Black spores

On wood

On soil

Central stipe

Stipe lateral or lacking

On wood

On soil

Central stipe

Stipe lateral or lacking

On wood

On soil

Central stipe

Stipe lateral or lacking

On wood

On soil

Central stipe

Stipe lateral or lacking


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