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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Volvariella gloiocephala. Volvariella gloiocephala


Volvariella speciosa
Volvariella speciosa var. gloiocephala
Amanita speciosa
Agaricus speciosus
Volvaria speciosa
Agaricus gloiocephalus


Present in region - Exotic

Images (click to enlarge)


Owner: B. Dee

Owner: B. Dee

Owner: P.R. Johnston

Caption: Watercolour
Owner: G.M. Taylor

Caption: Watercolour
Owner: G.M. Taylor

Caption: Watercolour
Owner: G.M. Taylor

Caption: in wood chip mulch, less than 6 months old.
Owner: Landcare Research

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Owner: Herb. PDD

Owner: J.A. Cooper

Caption: Watercolour
Owner: G.M. Taylor

Article: Horak, E. (1971). A contribution towards the revision of the Agaricales (Fungi) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 403-462 (http://www.rsnz.org/publish/abstracts.php).
Notes: Although no material of this distinct species was studied we consider that this agaric occurs in New Zealand and is an introduced fungus