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Go to the NZFungi website for more indepth information on Russula vivida. Russula vivida


Present in region - Indigenous. Endemic

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Caption: Dried type specimen.
Owner: Herb PDD

Article: McNabb, R.F.R. (1973). Russulaceae of New Zealand. 2. Russula Pers. ex S.F. Gray. New Zealand Journal of Botany 11(4): 673-730 (http://www.rsnz.org/publish/abstracts.php).
Description: pileus: 4.5 cm diam., centrally depressed at maturity, slightly viscid, glabrous, finely rugulose and creviced towards margins, innately subpruinose under lens, velar remnants absent, bright red to madder red; margins entire, thin, non-pectinate. Cuticle 100-150 µm thick, composed of inflated hyphae and pilocystidia forming a palisade; inflated hyphae hyaline, short-celled, thin-walled, smooth, terminal cells unspecialised, arising from a cellular layer; pilocystidia numerous, cylindrical, subclavate, or fusiform, thin-walled, occasionally 1-septate. contents refractive in KOH, often projecting beyond general level of cuticle, 50-150 X 5-7.5 µm. lamellae: adnate, crowded, thin, simple or occasionally forked near stipe, to 4 mm deep, white, not discoloured at maturity but tinted bright red in places, lamellulae absent. stipe: 3.5 cm long, ± equal, 1 cm diam., solid, dry, finely felted under lens, white with faint reddish tints, flesh white, unchanging on exposure to air. Cuticle a palisade of hyaline, septate hyphae 2-4.5 µm diam. and numerous cylindrical, subclavate, or fusiform caulocystidia. spores: spore print not obtained; spores elliptical to broadly elliptical, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to 1.5 µm long, 7-10 X 6.5-8 µm, ornamentation of amyloid truncated spines and verrucae to 0.7-(1) µm high, isolated, in confluent groups, or joined by fine amyloid ridges and forming a partial reticulum; plage conspicuous. hymenium: basidia hyaline, clavate, 33-45 X 8.5-11 µm, 4-spored, sterigmata to 7 µm long; pleurocystidia scattered, numerous, fusiform to narrowly lageniform, hyaline, thin-walled, contents refractive in KOH, projecting to 25 µm beyond basidia, 46-70 X 7.5-10.5 µm; cheilocystidia similar to pleurocystidia but shorter. hymenophoral trama: heteromerous, intermixed. context of pileus: white, unchanging, structure heteromerous, clamp connections absent. taste: lamellae and context mild. chemical characters: formalin on context—n.r.; phenol on context—n.r.; FeSO4 on context—rapidly faint pink; guaiacol on stipe base—slowly faint pink; KOH on pileus—bleaching action on red colour; on context—n.r.; NH4OH on pileus and context—n.r.
Habitat: Solitary under Nothofagus.